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5 Mobile Gaming Trends to Watch Out For

Gaming is without a doubt one of the most entertaining ways to spend free time, as it allows us to immerse ourselves in a mystical world full of imaginary characters, perilous adventures, and intense competition, whether alone or with our friends. Until recently, playing video games on the go required a pocket system such as a Game Boy, PSP, or Nintendo DS. Those days, however, are long gone, and the […]

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A Debate on Gambling-Related Disorders and Problems 

March has been designated as “Problem Gambling Awareness Month” (Problem Gambling Awareness Month). A conference was held in Springfield, Massachusetts, at the beginning of this month, and the topic of discussion was this problem, as well as potential solutions to the problem. There will be a conference on the problems caused by gaming. Click here to find out more news about this discussion. Why Is This Important?  Given the data […]

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